4 Ways to Recruit More Candidates in a Tight Labor Market

It is something that is becoming increasingly difficult: finding the right candidates. How do you deal with this as an employer?
It is something that is becoming increasingly difficult: finding the right candidates. Due to today's tight labor market, it is difficult for many companies to find qualified personnel. It is now even starting to look like recruiting candidates is becoming more difficult.

How do you deal with this as an employer? Are there any possibilities to support the growth of your company? Our answer is: yes, there are!

Recruitment Marketeers helps companies facilitate their growth. This by implementing the right marketing tools that ensure that your vacancy is seen by the right target group. So that you can compete in this market carefree find the right people to work with you to achieve the company's mission and vision!

Today Recruitment Marketeers gives you 4 essential tips on how to market your vacancy well. Here are the 4 things that make recruiting candidates easier in a tight labor market!

1. Write a job posting that is targeted at your target audience.

You might not think so, but many employers spend far too little time writing the right vacancy text. Many promotional texts focus too little on the specific target group you are looking for. Take a little longer for this because if you do not think about this long enough, you will definitely miss the mark.

But how do you make sure you target the vacancy to the right people? The answer is: by creating a candidate profile.
Creating a candidate profile involves creating a fictional person who perfectly matches your open vacancy. Details you include in this are demographic characteristics such as:

  • Age;
  • Gender;
  • Work experience;
  • Pres;
  • Educational background;
  • And interests.

By creating a candidate profile, you gain insight into the person you are looking for as an employer. This way you can speak to this person in a more targeted manner. Think about how you would write the vacancy if your candidate profile was an 18-year-old student. Or if your candidate profile was a 53-year-old executive. Then you would address the reader in a completely different way, right?

So if you adapt the vacancy text to this fictitious ideal candidate, you increase the chances of inspiring the most interesting candidates and getting them to apply!

2. Use social media tools.

In this tight labor market you are competing with a lot of other employers. That is why you have to be prepared to all to deploy the resources necessary to ensure the right candidates knock on your door.

If you're not already using social media for recruiting, make sure you read on because this is definitely a must!

Even though it may seem unnecessary to share some job vacancies on social media, this is almost always not the case.

It is true that it differs per target group on which social media platforms are most active. For example, younger users are more active on Instagram and TikTok, while the older target group is more active on Facebook and LinkedIn. The industry in which someone works also influences on which social media platform the target group is most present. So orient yourself on which social media platform your target group can mainly be found.

Having a candidate profile is again crucial for this. If you don't have this information, you don't know where to best post the vacancy!

All you need to do is research the target audience per social media platform. If you have found a social media platform whose dominant target audience matches your candidate profile, you are good!

3. Ask your colleagues for help.

As an organization try to help each other and jointly pursue a collective goal.

Nevertheless, employers sometimes forget that their own people also have their own network with potentially suitable candidates.

Many employees already have experience in a particular industry and have expanded their network with previous employers.

Of course, finding the right candidate does not always have to be done through a pull marketing strategy (turning off marketing tools and waiting for a lead).

By sharing the open challenge with your employees, you will have already reached a lot of people indirectly and it only takes a little effort!

It is also the case that an employee does not just nominate someone as a candidate. The employee's reputation is at stake and will therefore nominate candidates who are well qualified in his eyes.

For the help of recruiting a new employee, it is never wrong to offer an incentive. You can always set certain conditions for when what is paid out. Recruiting good candidates is not free. This extra incentive gives you a large and effective reach on a no-cure-no-pay basis!

4. Apply SEO techniques where necessary.

Nowadays SEO is important to be visible as a company. SEO stands for: ''search engine optimizing'' and means optimizing your position in Google.

Almost everyone looking for a new challenge consults Google. It is important to keep this in mind. Fortunately, all you have to do is write a 'normal' job title.

If you use a job title that contains words that people do not search for, you will appear at the bottom of the search results.

Your website texts should also be SEO-friendly. In general, more visibility of your company (its website) provides more opportunities. Who knows, there might be a potential candidate among your traffic.

In that respect, it's a win-win situation!


In a tight labor market, you as an employer need to put your best foot forward. You can position yourself better by paying attention to:

  • The vacancy texts;
  • The marketing tools;
  • And the opportunities within your network.

Is it still difficult to find the right people?

Recruitment Marketeers helps your organization to stand out in this tight labor market. Curious about how we reach potential candidates and get them moving towards your vacancies? Contact us contact and receive a tailor-made recruitment advice within 2 hours!

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