
4 'Hires'

in 1 month





How Dotec filled 4 vacancies within one month.

Dotec is a family business that was founded in the mid-80s and has been passed down from father to sons. They make special lifting aids equipment that are shipped all over the world. Dotec employs 20 people. The company is located in Joure, Friesland.

Dotec is looking for people with technical knowledge and experience, preferably from the region, within a radius of 25 km.

March 2024
APRIL 2024
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We are in a growth market with our family business and we would like to spread our wings internationally. That is not always easy, because it is difficult to find suitable personnel. We are not in the most densely populated area of the Netherlands, which means that the pickings are already somewhat thinner in advance.

– Wouter Verhagen, co-owner

The challenge: filling 4 vacancies

“We normally use recruitment and selection agencies. You quickly have to take into account 10-12k per hire. I told colleagues that this was going to be a big investment and wanted to try a different approach for once,” says Verhagen. That different approach turned out to be Recruitment Marketeers. “The owner is an acquaintance of mine and after hearing his story about how you can reach and move candidates in a smart way with your own content, I immediately thought: 'Yes, we have to try that!'.”

The goal of the campaign was only supposed to be direct recruitment, but because Dotec entered the market with its own content, the campaign also resulted in more brand awareness in the medium to long term. “We have often thought about our own branding, but have always put it on hold because we thought it would mean an expensive and intensive process,” says Verhagen.

Remko Booghmans, Employer Branding Strategist at Recruitment Marketeers knows that a successful campaign requires the commitment of both companies. “As an agency, we do not only want to be a supplier of media resources, but we always seek partnership. This means that we both have a role to play in conducting a successful campaign,” Booghmans believes.

The target group size and pull factors were considered when setting up the campaign. What is attractive content for this target group and what are the media channels where this type of candidate shows up a lot? “With our data and data from Brandchart, we deliver customized advice, but we always put some craftsmanship into it and then look at each vacancy with common sense to see if we can gain additional insights” Booghmans adds.

Because no active but mainly latent candidates are reached during the campaign, it was decided to disable the mandatory fields for applying. For example, most people reached during the campaign do not have a CV ready. “You do not want to lose momentum with that candidate. Asking for a letter and CV will be a conversion killer at that moment. You are actually looking for leads to follow up on and not applicants,” Booghmans knows. This meant that Verhagen would call the disguised applications, follow them up and invite them for a cup of coffee and introduction.

For the content, Recruitment Marketeers called in their UX Recruitment Designer. He creates custom content for campaigns and has a wealth of experience when it comes to text, image ratios and how certain colours and styles come across to candidates. “In this respect, we as an agency are really far ahead of other parties who often work with stock or ask a regular marketer to do this work. UX stands for User Experience. In this case, the user experience of the candidate. That sometimes really makes the difference between a normal or above-average CTR in a campaign,” says Booghmans.

After Dotec approved the content, candidates were targeted. This was done with a healthy frequency of impressions. After all, the line between interesting and annoying is thin.

Due to Recruitment Marketeers having access to Google Analytics, the data could be read properly and the right follow-up choices could be made for the campaign. “In addition to A/B testing, we could also follow the right people and retarget them if necessary. Our campaign managers ensure the further course of the campaign, they continuously optimize the campaign,” Booghmans continues.

During the campaign, there was a lot of mutual contact about the incoming quality. “We not only adjust based on figures, but also based on a short phone call with the customer. It seems logical, but here too we often hear back from our customers that it is nice that keep a close eye on things and are always easy to reach,” Booghmans explains.

The result

119,021 people had seen the campaigns 6 times in a period of 28 days. It resulted in 18 responses, of which 16 conversations and ultimately 4 hirings, which filled all vacancies in one go.

We are very happy with this result. We normally pay a recruitment agency 10-12k for one hire and were now considerably cheaper. In addition, the visibility of the campaigns has given a huge boost to our employer brand.

– Wouter Verhagen

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