4 Ways to Save More on Your Recruitment Costs

You want to grow as an organization and are busy recruiting new people and incurring the associated costs.

There are many smart ways to save a lot on your current recruitment activities. The starting point of Recruitment Marketeers is to set up the recruiting as efficiently as possible, while maintaining effectiveness.

That's why we're giving you 4 easy ways to save on your recruitment costs, free of charge, that are also easy to implement.

1. Focus on your employees' network and maintain your own contacts

Many organizations don’t seem to realize how important their employees’ networks can be for recruiting new people. It costs a lot of money and time to recruit qualified candidates. But what if you could recruit someone who already knows your organization (via-via).

Having a good network of your own is not something you can take for granted. You have to spend time and attention on it. Not only on your current network but also on expanding it.

By contacting people in your industry a few times a year, you ensure that you keep the lines warm and that contacts do not fade away. Don't forget to offer help to others. Maintaining and expanding a network is give and take. By looking at how you can help someone, this makes someone else inclined to help you.

Investing the right time in your network will therefore yield you a lot and is almost completely free of charge!

2. Look closely at the candidate journey

In Marketing they talk about it often enough: the customer journey. Here they examine which steps are taken by the customer. This is done to see how it can be made as easy as possible for the customer to go through the customer journey.

In this, all processes are mapped out and the customer experience is critically examined. This increases the chance that someone will go through the entire process. The link in this with recruitment is that you can apply this same principle to the candidate journey.

One of the reasons why potential applicants drop out during the application process is due to undesirable experiences. We understand better than anyone that there are many other factors that play a role in whether or not you complete the application process, but you should definitely not forget this one. It is about putting yourself in the best position as an employer, to elevate your brand as an employer. That is what it is all about at Recruitment Marketeers.

When you can retain as many qualified candidates as possible in your recruitment and selection process, you also save a lot of recruitment costs.

How do I map my candidate journey?

It is important to map out all the individual steps and then put yourself in the shoes of the potential candidate. What are the ''touch points''? In other words, at what moments does the candidate have contact with our organization, and how? Another question that can be asked is whether it is made as easy as possible for candidates to respond. For example, are there no unnecessary fields that a candidate has to fill in on the response form?

This way you will automatically discover a number of things that could possibly be improved. This way you will not only save a lot of costs but you will also probably increase the number of applicants. Our last tip is: ask for feedback from the candidate. What did you like and what not? What could be better? Et cetera.

3. Conduct employee surveys

Now, of course, there is a risk of a leak in your recruitment processes, but losing employees also costs you a lot of money. Here too, you need to look at what can minimize staff turnover. Often, when employees are dissatisfied, they decide to look elsewhere for a new challenge. And nowadays, with the tight labor market, this is easier than ever.

That is why you as an employer need to keep a finger on the pulse when it comes to employee satisfaction. However, this is different from a recruitment process. To see if your employees are satisfied or not, it is wise to create a survey.

By being aware of this, you know what is going on so that you can intervene in time. Losing a good employee costs you a lot more than a consistent satisfaction survey!

Are you curious about how you can implement a satisfaction survey? Then we recommend you to read this article: 5 tips: How to conduct an employee satisfaction survey? – Talent analytics | Scorius

4. Hire a marketing agency to save costs and get more results

Once you have made sure that your possible leaks are as sealed as possible, it is time to really start recruiting. But this also does not have to be too expensive. Of course, everything is relative, but recruiting candidates can be done in an affordable way these days, namely: hiring experts who specialize in Marketing for recruiters.

Marketing is a profession in itself. Recruitment too. So Recruitment Marketing? Absolutely!

Many organizations try to recruit new candidates without the right help. In the past this was possible, but nowadays distinguishing yourself in the market as an employer is a profession in itself.

This is of course due to the current tight labor market. Recruitment Marketeers specializes in boosting recruitment marketing and boosting your employer brand.

By hiring the right recruitment marketing specialists, you give yourself the opportunity to free up time elsewhere and spend it on sourcing, for example. Just as you try to deploy people in your own organization on things they are good at, it makes sense to do this with recruitment marketing as well.


This just goes to show that there are a lot of ways to retain more employees without spending a lot, and therefore have lower recruitment costs. Recruitment Marketers can let a lot of candidates flow in, but this is of no use if they walk out the back door.

Hopefully we were able to inspire you with some new ideas! Are you having trouble finding the right candidates? Recruitment Marketeers would love to help you!

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