Stand out as an employer in 2022: employer branding

In a market that is becoming increasingly saturated, new innovations are constantly needed to achieve the same result. This development is now also reflected in the labor market, where there are now more vacancies than candidates.

In a market that is becoming increasingly saturated, new innovations are constantly needed to achieve the same result. This development is now also reflected in the labor market, where there are now more vacancies than candidates.

Due to the weakening bargaining position of employers, increasingly powerful and often innovative means are needed to find qualified employees. For example, you notice that hiring a recruitment agency yields less and costs more.

In the 90s, a recruitment marketing concept was developed: employer branding. An effective implementation of employer branding gives employers the opportunity to successfully recruit candidates even in a tight labor market, as research has shown.

LinkedIn research showed that employers who actively use employer branding:

  • 28% experienced less staff turnover;
  • 50% spend less per employee hired;
  • 50% receive more applications from qualified candidates;
  • Find the right candidate twice as fast.

Given the current developments in the labor market, employer branding is more important for employers than ever before. And that is why Recruitment Marketeers gives you 5 tips in this blog article to improve your employer brand!

1. Create a career page for your website.

Improving your employer brand starts with creating a career page. A career page is a page on your company website that is designed to provide your potential candidates with good information.

This page includes things like:

  • The values of your organization;

Here you can tell your potential candidate what your organization stands for. Candidates who can identify with the values of an organization are more likely to apply.

  • Employee experiences;

This gives direct insight into employee experiences so candidates can have an idea of what to expect. It also comes across as credible. Think of it like a hotel review. You know what to expect and trust the reviewer's opinion.

  • A story about what your organization does;

A short and concise story about what your organization does is important information. A candidate finds this important to know and also does not want to spend too much time on it.

  • A short story about your organizational background;

A story about your organizational background can generate sympathy in a candidate. It also often ties in with the values of an organization.

  • Open vacancies

Of course, you also put your open vacancies on this page so that interested parties can apply for a vacancy that seems to suit them. You will see that you will receive more applications this way.

2. Think about the identity of your organization.

Perhaps you as an organization, company or enterprise have not yet thought about your identity and values. You certainly do not need to do an in-depth analysis for that.

You can briefly explain what your motivations are. You can ask yourself questions such as:

  • What do we consider important?
  • What is our mission?
  • What is our vision?
  • Who are we anyway?


By answering these questions, you quickly give readers an idea of who your organization is and what is considered important. If you have trouble formulating your answers, you can, for example, hire a copywriter. Or better yet, outsource it to a professional recruitment marketing agency.

3. Share your employees' experiences.

As mentioned in tip #1, including employee testimonials is a valuable addition to your career page. You can ask some of your employees if they would be open to writing about one of their positive experiences with your organization.

You do not only post these stories on the page, but also add – if you have permission from the employee in question – his/her first name and photo.

This gives more credibility and therefore makes the message more effective.

You can also have a video made of employees sharing their experiences. However, you will have to be prepared to invest more in this. A video of your employees' experiences is only worth it when the production is of high quality.

4. Use photos & videos.

People are visual learners. By using photos and videos in every element of your career page, you are drawing potential candidates into the story. This keeps the reader’s attention, reinforces the message and increases credibility.

We highly recommend hiring a professional photographer or camera crew if you still need to take pictures. A high-quality career page will pay for itself!

5. Be present on social media.

There are numerous platforms on social media that you can use as a marketing tool for your candidate recruitment. Many social media platforms allow you to follow company profiles, as opposed to a single website page.

It is therefore easier for potential candidates to remain interactive with your organization. This way you keep their attention, and they immediately think of you as an employer when they are looking for a new challenge.


So you see, by taking a few extra steps, you will achieve better results in the recruitment domain. It has in fact become a market like any other market, where you can achieve success by competing, differentiating and innovating.

However, there is much more to employer branding. We will be happy to tell you more in a next blog article!

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