5 tips for a good job interview as an employer

As an employer, you sometimes want to hire a new employee. After all, the right candidate can help your company grow towards your next business goal. However, it is important that you have the right interview skills, so that you can also pick that person from your candidate list.

As an employer, you sometimes want to hire a new employee. After all, the right candidate can help your company grow towards your next business goal. However, it is important that you have the right interview skills, so that you can also pick that person from your candidate list.

That's why we're giving you some useful tips in this blog article, so you can get more out of your important job interviews!

Tip 1: plan enough time

During a job interview, a lot of unexpected things can come up. You obviously don't know the applicant (yet) and so take the time to get to know each other.

Sometimes it is important to ask critical questions about the resume. This can take time and you do not want essential information to be withheld because you feel time pressure.

Imagine only finding out essential information during the trial period. That's worth that extra half hour, right?

Tip 2: Prepare your questions strategically

It is always the case that you prepare yourself to ask questions that you find important. It is only wiser to disguise a certain skill that you want to test in a question.

For example, if you want to test an applicant's communication skills, you could describe a situation and then ask how he or she would respond.

So use "reverse engineering" to come up with a question for a specific skill or competency that measures the quality of the applicant at that point.

This is the only real way to ensure that by asking the right question you will get the answer you are looking for.

Tip 3: Read the resume carefully and see what you would like to know more about

By reading a CV carefully, you will immediately get an idea of who you are dealing with and what kind of (work) experience this person may or may not have.

These experiences in themselves don't really tell you anything. Apart from wanting to know whether these experiences are actually relevant to the work of the open vacancy, you will also sometimes want to delve deeper into certain experiences.

As mentioned before, it is important to plan enough time to learn more about your candidate. But this only makes sense if you ask the right questions about the right topics.

So don't just scan the candidate's resume, but also take a good look at what you want to know more about before you hire him/her.

Tip 4: Avoid asking questions that the applicant has already answered

In 2022, the labor market will still be tight. It is therefore also important that you, as an employer, come across well. By looking carefully at what you already know about the candidate, you avoid asking unnecessary questions.

This will save you valuable time and make you appear more professional.

Taking notes is also important. This way you ensure that you don't have to come back to things you forgot after the interview.

Tip 5: Checking what you would like to verify

The job interview should be seen as an investment. If you do not prepare yourself sufficiently, you are selling yourself short. Candidates are eager to get a job, even if they may not actually be qualified enough.

That is why it is important to consider in advance what qualifications are really decisive for you. And then consider whether these need to be verified, and if so, how.

Of course, you can always ask for a reference before hiring someone. Whatever it is that is important to you, don't be shy about verifying these important factors. After all, hiring a new employee is a big investment.


So you see that good preparation is at least half the battle. With these tips you can hopefully understand your candidate better and make a wise choice and thus make an investment for the long term!

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